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1)으할렐루야 여호와의 이름을 讚頌(찬송)하라 여호와의 종들아 讚頌(찬송)하라
Praise the LORD. Praise the name of the LORD; praise him, you servants of the LORD,
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여호와의 집 우리 이하나님의 殿(전) 庭(정)에 섰는 너희여
you who minister in the house of the LORD, in the courts of the house of our God.
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여호와를 讚頌(찬송)하라 ㅐ여호와는 善(선)하시며 그 ㄱ이름이
아름다우니 그 이름을 讚揚(찬양)하라
Praise the LORD, for the LORD is good; sing praise to his name, for that is pleasant.
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여호와께서 自己(자기)를 爲(위)하여 ㄴ야곱 곧 이스라엘을 自己(자기)의 ㄷ特別(특별)한 所有(소유)로 擇(택)하셨음이로다
For the LORD has chosen Jacob to be his own, Israel to be his treasured possession.
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내가 알거니와 ㄹ여호와께서는 廣大(광대)하시며 우리 모든 神(신)보다 높으시도다
I know that the LORD is great, that our Lord is greater than all gods.
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여호와께서 무릇 ㅁ기뻐하시는 일을 天地(천지)와 바다와 모든 깊은 데서 行(행)하셨도다
The LORD does whatever pleases him, in the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all their depths.
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ㅂ안개를 땅 끝에서 일으키시며 비를 爲(위)하여 ㅅ번개를 만드시며 바람을 그 ㅇ곳간에서 내시는도다
He makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth; he sends lightning with the rain and brings out the wind
from his storehouses.
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ㅈ저가 애굽의 처음 난 者(자)를 사람부터 짐승까지 치셨도다
He struck down the firstborn of Egypt, the firstborn of men and animals.
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애굽이여, 여호와께서 너의 中(중)에 ㅊ徵兆(징조)와 奇事(기사)를
보내사 바로와 그 모든 臣僕(신복)에게 臨(임)하게 하셨도다
He sent his signs and wonders into your midst, O Egypt, against Pharaoh and all his servants.
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ㅋ저가 많은 나라를 치시고 强(강)한 王(왕)들을 죽이셨나니
He struck down many nations and killed mighty kings--
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곧 아모리人(인)의 王(왕) ㅌ시혼과 바산 王(왕) ㅍ옥과 ㅎ가나안의 모든 國王(국왕)이로다
Sihon king of the Amorites, Og king of Bashan and all the kings of Canaan--
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ㅏ저희의 땅을 基業(기업)으로 주시되
自己(자기) 百姓(백성) 이스라엘에게 基業(기업)으로
and he gave their land as an inheritance, an inheritance to his people Israel.
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여호와여 ㅑ主(주)의 이름이 永遠(영원)하시니이다 여호와여 ㅓ主(주)의 記念(기념)이 代代(대대)에 이르리이다
Your name, O LORD, endures forever, your renown, O LORD, through all generations.
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ㅕ여호와께서 自己(자기) 百姓(백성)을 判斷(판단)하시며 그 ㅗ종들을 矜恤(긍휼)히 여기시리로다
For the LORD will vindicate his people and have compassion on his servants.
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● ㅛ列邦(열방)의 偶像(우상)은 銀金(은금)이요 사람의
The idols of the nations are silver and gold, made by the hands of men.
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입이 있어도 말하지 못하며 눈이 있어도 보지 못하며
They have mouths, but cannot speak, eyes, but they cannot see;
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귀가 있어도 듣지 못하며 그 입에는 아무 氣息(기식)도 없나니
they have ears, but cannot hear, nor is there breath in their mouths.
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그것을 만든 者(자)와 그것을 依支(의지)하는 者(자)가 다 그것과 같으리라
Those who make them will be like them, and so will all who trust in them.
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ㅜ이스라엘 族屬(족속)아 여호와를 頌祝(송축)하라 아론의 族屬(족속)아 여호와를 頌祝(송축)하라
O house of Israel, praise the LORD; O house of Aaron, praise the LORD;
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레위 2)族屬(족속)아 여호와를 頌祝(송축)하라 여호와를 敬畏(경외)하는 너희들아 여호와를 頌祝(송축)하라
2) 집
O house of Levi, praise the LORD; you who fear him, praise the LORD.
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ㅠ예루살렘에 居(거)하신 여호와는 으시온에서 讚頌(찬송)을 받으실찌어다 3)이할렐루야
Praise be to the LORD from Zion, to him who dwells in Jerusalem. Praise the LORD.